// //
// Particulate/Gas Localization - Board 1 (Ivanduino) //
// //
// Joe Manganelli and Ivan Siles //
// //
// Project #2 - Architectural Robotics (Arch879/ECE893) //
// //
// Spring 2009 //
// Clemson University, Clemson, SC //
// //
// Declare all the IN/OUT pin variables
// Inputs
int Sensor = 6; //variable for ir sensor
int Joeduino = 5; //variable for communication with second arduino
int UV_LED = 13; //variable for UV LED
int Pump = 4; //Variable for water pump
ServoTimer1 Bellows;
ServoTimer1 Breathers;
int Angle_Bellows = 0;
int Angle_Breathers = 0;
int Smoke = 0;
int IR = 0;
void setup()
Bellows.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
Breathers.attach(10); //attaches the servo on pin 10 to the servo object
pinMode(Sensor, INPUT);
pinMode(UV_LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Pump, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Joeduino, OUTPUT);
} //Close void setup
void loop()
digitalWrite (UV_LED, LOW); //Make sure all LEDs are OFF
digitalWrite (Pump, LOW); //Make sure Pump is OFF
digitalWrite (Joeduino, LOW); //Make sure Arduino 2 is OFF
// goes from 0 degrees to 35 degrees
for(Angle_Breathers = 0;Angle_Breathers <=35;Angle_Breathers+=1) {
Breathers.write(Angle_Breathers); // tell servo to go to position in variable
delay(20); // waits 20ms for the servo to reach the position
// goes from 180 degrees to 100 degrees
for(Angle_Bellows = 180;Angle_Bellows >=100;Angle_Bellows-=1) {
delay(10); // waits 10ms for the servo to reach the position
while (Smoke == 0) { //If no smoke, keep updating sensor
IR=digitalRead(Sensor); //Read from Sensor
if (IR==HIGH){
} //Close while
digitalWrite (Pump, HIGH); //Activate relay for the Pump
// goes from 100 degrees to 180 degrees
for(Angle_Bellows = 100;Angle_Bellows >=0;Angle_Bellows-=1) {
Bellows.write(Angle_Bellows); // tell servo to go to position in variable
delay(30); // waits 30ms for the servo to reach the position
digitalWrite (UV_LED, HIGH); //Activate UV_LEDs
digitalWrite (Joeduino, HIGH);
while(1) {
for(Angle_Breathers = 10;Angle_Breathers <=60;Angle_Breathers+=1){
Breathers.write(Angle_Breathers); // tell servo to go to position in variable
delay(20); // waits 30ms for the servo to reach the position
for(Angle_Breathers = 60;Angle_Breathers >=10;Angle_Breathers-=1) {
Breathers.write(Angle_Breathers); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
delay(20); // waits 20ms for the servo to reach the position
} //Close while loop
} // Close void loop
// //
// Particulate/Gas Localization - Board 2 (Joeduino) //
// //
// Joe Manganelli and Ivan Siles //
// //
// Project #2 - Architectural Robotics (Arch879/ECE893) //
// //
// Spring 2009 //
// Clemson University, Clemson, SC //
// //
// Declare all the IN/OUT pin variables
int Ivanduino = 5; //variable for input from Ivanduino
int LED_right_breather = 9; //variable for Green LED
int LED_left_breather = 10; //variable for White LED
int Signal = 0; //variable for Ivanduino
int Pin5 = 0; //variable for Pin5
int LED_rb = 0; //variable for activiating LED_right_breather
int LED_lb = 0; //variable for activating LED_left_breather
void setup()
pinMode(Ivanduino, INPUT);
pinMode(LED_right_breather, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_left_breather, OUTPUT);
} //Close void setup
void loop()
analogWrite (LED_right_breather, 55); //Make sure right breather lights are low
analogWrite (LED_left_breather, 55); //Make sure left breather lights are low
while (Signal == 0) { //If no smoke, keep updating sensor
Pin5=digitalRead(Ivanduino); //Read from Ivanduino
if (Pin5==HIGH){
} //Close while
while(1) {
for(LED_rb = 55, LED_lb = 255;LED_rb <=255,LED_lb>=55;LED_rb+=4,LED_lb-=4) {
analogWrite (LED_right_breather, LED_rb);
analogWrite (LED_left_breather, LED_lb);
} //Close for loop
for(LED_lb = 55, LED_rb = 255;LED_lb <=255,LED_rb>=55;LED_lb+=4,LED_rb-=4) {
analogWrite (LED_right_breather, LED_rb);
analogWrite (LED_left_breather, LED_lb);
} //Close for loop
} //Close while loop
} // Close void loop
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