Friday, February 20, 2009

YOU is waiting for helping you in Tornados

Hi All,
Here is YOU the iprosthetics in 2009, all are welcome for feedback. Enjoy

'YOU' is an iProsthetics for Gustnado and Tornado:

Welcome to Kansas, the heart of Tornado Alley. 2008 was noted to be the deadliest year in terms of fatalities and loss of life since 1998 and the second most active in terms of touchdowns on record. 2009 brings with it the fear that 2008 might be topped, and the hope that it might not happen. Wichita is a growing metropolis, and was ranked 9th by CNN/Money in 2006, as one of the 10 best big cities to live in. In 2008, MSN named Wichita the best affordable city to live in. These statuses bestowed on Wichita have only served to increase the population in the greater metropolitan area, making it more susceptible to damage in the event of an F5 tornado.

On a beautiful warm April Saturday afternoon, Wichita is bustling. While it is overcast, people are spilling onto the streets, enjoying all that the city has to offer on the multiple designated “strips” around the city. Matinee shows are packed, al fresco diners line Little Italy, and the handicraft street vendors are making a killing. Suddenly, unbeknownst to most, there is a sudden chill in the air, and the wind has picked up…

'You' should know what is around you. So, 'You' is a device to protect you from Gustnados, Tornados and can easily be adapted for other natural disasters, like wildfires and lightning strikes! If 'You' is aware of the environmental changes and can send signals to the ambient lighting, and digital senses around you, then it will make you safer than you are now:

Essentially ‘YOU’ is an iProsthetic device in the environment around you, with leaves pointers, tree trunk clock pointer and a speaker, with a radio wave sensor that sends and receives data from the environment around it. The speaker will tell people what they have to do, while the iprosthetic tree leaves will direct people where to go.

YOU is an interactive multi prosthetic device consists of :

iprosthetic TREE LEAVES: is the leaf pointers in trees that will point to where you have to go and talk to you to tell you news and send you warnings.

iProsthetic EYE: is the eye that looks for disasters "mainly is the forecast station".

iProsthetic EARS: are the two receivers –one in buildings and street signals, and the other is in the iprosthetic leaves.

iProsthetic LIPs: are the three speakers, one that sends the data wirelessly from the base station to YOU prosthetic leaves, the second will informs you of the weather situation, and the third one will react whenever there is a tornado by activating the environment and telling you to keep shelter.

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